Allama Ibn e Taymiya aur Unkay Hamasar Ulama By Maulana Shah Abul Hasan Zaid Farooqi علامہ ابن تیمیہ اور انکے ہم عصرعلماء

البرہان کے زیراہتمام فضلائے مدارس کے لیے دینی، تعلیمی، اصلاحی، دعوتی، تربیتی اور انتظامی صلاحیتوں میں اضافے اور ان میدانوں میں بامقصد پیش رفت کے لیے راہنمائی فراہم کرتا ایک مختصر دورہ۔
ابھی رجسٹر کیجئے۔ 

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  1. Mufti Imtiyaz

    بہت ہی اچھی کوشش ہے اللہ اور برکت عطا کرے اور مزید اسی طرح کی نایاب
    نایاب کتابیں اپلوڈ کرنے کی توفیق دے

  2. Umar

    Jazakallahu kahiran for uploading this book, it is one of the most beneficial in these especially with the fitna of salafiya, i think this books should be read by every muslim today, becouse the salafi propoganda is strong, by reading this book i understood why the great sheikh, sheikh ul islaam Hussain Ahmad madani (RH), was opposing Allama ibn taymiah,and why some of our other scholar liked him or recommended him.

    I think this a book which should a part of the madrassah syllabus.

    1. Arsalan

      Dear Brother i dont get your comment
      Are you Prasing Ibn E Tehmiya or it was an eye opener for you about the current situation regarding salafi ???
      Jazak’Allah Khair brother .

      1. umar

        Dear brother
        The book is clearly against salafis, so how come that by praising this book, i am praising Sheikh ibn Taymiayah? What i am praising is this books balanced and well researched conclusion of the status of Sheikh Ibn Taymiyah in the eyes of vast majority of Ahlus Sunnah wal jamma, as this book recognise, what has to bee recognised, i.e.. the knowledge and piety of sheikh ibn taymiah, and condemns what has to bee condemned.