THE ABRAHAMIC RELIGION: An Evil Agenda against Islām

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The Abrahamic Religion: An Evil Agenda Against Islām
A Critique of the Newfound Abrahamic Religion
- Comprehensively refutes interfaith, multi-faith, intrafaith
- Prepared for ‘Ulama’ & non-‘Ulama’ alike
- Aimed at guarding Islām & Protecting the Iman of the Ummah
- Beneficial for ‘Ulama’ & Asātidhā; lectures & teaching
Author: Mufti Abdullah Moolla
Fourth Edition: Rabi-ul-Awwal 1446 | September 2024
Published by: Maktabah Al-Imām Al-Ghazālī
Author’s Note
All praise is for Allah, may His choicest benedictions be upon our noble leader and master, Sayyidunā Muhammad Rasûlullahﷺ.
Islam is the only Din and way of life accepted by Allah. Period. Those who leave this world as Muslims will be saved from eternal damnation, whilst those who leave this temporary abode without îman and Islām will be in horrible misery forever.
Over the last few years, there have been calls from Modernists, Liberals, and Interfaith Advocates to work ferociously hard in order to bring all faith based groups upon one platform of faith and belief. This call has been, and continues to be trumpeted under the guise of peace and harmony, building bridges, co- existence, removing misconceptions, and responding to the flood of Islamophobia. There can be nothing further from the truth.
Interfaith, multi-faith, and intra-faith is a devilish trap designed to rob a person of his îman. This book will help Muslims understand this horrible fitnah, In-sha’ Allah.
A humble appeal is made to all Muslims to study this work with an open heart and mind, and to remember me in your special du’a’s.
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