Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakariyya English فتاوی دار العلوم زکریا انگلش
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By Hadrat Mufti Radā’ al-Haq Sahib
Translated by Maulānā Mahomed Mahomedy
This insignificant servant has been occupied in the Ifta’ Department of Dār al-‘Ulūm Zakarīyyā for the past 26 years. Before this I was also affiliated to the Dar al-Ifta’ of Jami’ah Binnaurī Town, Karachi. In the beginning I used to write the fatāwā myself or give answers verbally and telephonically (all praise is due to Allah ta’ālā, this practice continues to this day). Subsequently, a few graduates of Dar al-‘Ulūm Zakarīyyā used to come to me and practise the writing of fatāwā under my supervision. Since quite some time, I have been giving questions to the students and also handing over questions which I receive periodically. The students would then write the answers together with full references. If I felt that a certain answer was incorrect, I would ask them to rewrite it. If they could not find the references despite searching for them, I would show them where to find them. There were occasions when I used to reject their answers several times so that they are directed towards the correct answers. Anyway, they continued obtaining most of the references and a considerable amount of material was gathered over a period of time. Some fatāwā were also lost or mislaid. One of our graduates who specialized in fiqh – Maulānā Mufti ‘Abd al-Bārī Sahib the son of Shaykh-e-Tarīqat Hadrat Maulānā Hājī Muhammad Fārūq Sahib rahimahullah had been telling me that the fatāwā ought to be collated so that they are not lost, but this task was always deferred until when he came from Sukkur, Pakistan in 2005 and stayed over for three weeks during which period he arranged the material for one volume. Subsequently, Mufti Muhammad Ilyās Shaykh undertook to remove duplicate fatāwā and to systemize the book. This was done is 2007.
The following points are presented with regard to these fatāwā:
1. Lengthy references from some of the fatāwā were removed and we sufficed with the essential references.
2. This task was done in a rush. There is therefore the possibility of mistakes in the references and the answers. We request the reader to certainly inform us if he comes across any glaring mistake.
3. Bearing in mind the importance of some of the fatāwā, I felt that they should be written in detail but I did not get the opportunity to do it. If I am given the life and inspiration from Allāh ta’ālā, this task will probably be undertaken in the future.
4. Due to the importance of certain fatāwā, the writings of some senior contemporary ‘ulama’ have been included. These are referenced wherever they occur.
5. The references have by and large been obtained by the students. I did very little of this because of my other occupations and my weak eyesight. In fact, searching for and extracting references is part of their fatāwā practice. 6. Corrections to the Urdu in fact, presenting the fatāwā in a new Urdu form were done by Maulānā Muftī ‘Abd al-Bārī Sahib and Mufti Muhammad Ilyas Shaykh.
7. Many students belonging to other juridical schools – especially the Shafi’i madh-hab – study at Dār al-‘Ulūm Zakarīyyā. This is why some answers have been written according to the Shafi’i fiqh. These answers are for Shafi’īs alone.
(Hadrat Muftī) Rada’ al-Haq (Sahib – may Allah ta’ālā protect him) Servant at Dar al-‘Ulūm Zakarīyyā Lenasia, South Africa
Volume 1: The Book of: Īmān and Beliefs, Tafsīr and Tajwīd, Hadīth and Athar, Sufism, Purity.
Volume 2: Kitab as-Salah.
Volume 3: Kitab az Zakah, Kitab as Saum, Kitab al Hajj, Kitab an Nikah.
Volume 4: Kitab at Talaq, Kitab as Saum, Kitab al Hajj, Kitab an Nikah, Waqf, Masjid, Madrasa.
Volume 5: Trade and Commerce.
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